We help companies grow. Whether this means growing awareness, customer base or engagement, or diversifying into new products, services or markets, we can help.

International Growth

An important part of this support is assisting businesses diversifying into new markets. We can be of assistance during the whole journey, from strategy to channel development.

Customer Base

We can also help growing awareness, customer base and engagement. We have 15+ years of experience in digital sales, multi-channel marketing (digital channels in particular) and hands-on sales and business development.

Sectors Covered

We are industry agnostic and have been working with companies ranging from oil, gas, telecommunications to contemporary art and food & beverage. Our digital experience is similarly broad and includes helping to develop and grow businesses from eCommerce and matchmaking to online publishing and membership management. 

Country Focus

We have been based in London since 2007 so are very familiar with the business environment in the UK and extremely connected. We have our origins in The Nordics, where we have been helping to export services and products to other countries and regions. In addition to this, we have 5+ years of hands on business experience in the US. 


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